The American Dilemma and How We Can Fix It


Since this is an “About” page – let me tell you a little about myself.

I am about average – in height and weight.  I am about average in color – neither very dark nor very light.  As to my age – I’m about to get a little older – oops it’s happening as I write this.

I believe that all of us, humans and other species, the rivers and oceans, the rocks and plains are all part of one life experience –  that we must learn respect for our surroundings and environment – or we will bring about our own demise.

Please feel free to take a look at some of my musings.  I would welcome you as a fellow traveler in exploration.

And now, I think that I have talked enough about myself.

Comments on: "About" (21)

  1. I love this blog! Such sweet sentiments about life’s lessons, beautifully written and so eloquent. Bravo.

  2. Happy New Year and all the very best for 2012
    Eric 🙂

  3. I love the name & tag phrase of your blog. Creative & tantalizing!

  4. kendallcotton said:

    thanks for stopping by and subscribing to my blog! you and I seem to have many parallels in what we write about. I’ll look forward to engaging in your upcoming material

    • Thanks for the subscription, Kendall. And one thing I forgot to mention in my earlier comment. Don’t become a politician – become a statesman! “A politician thinks of the next election – a statesman of the next generation.” – James Freeman Clarke.

      • kendallcotton said:

        wow that’s a great point! That’s part the problem, we have too many politicians and not enough statesmen in today’s government.

  5. I’ll look forward to watching your progress as you help change the way things are to the way things might become.

  6. The blog is fantastic, upbeat and uplifting. THANK YOU for writing! 🙂

  7. thank you for bringing your authentic voice in my living space..

  8. Hello Juwanna, You are loved… Congratulations! I nominated you for the Liebster Blog Award, check it out here:
    Enjoy and have fun
    Dolly xoxo

  9. Hi there,

    Thank you so much for your visits and your follow. I will do the same and look forward to reading more of your thoughts~

  10. Spijder said:

    I’ve mentioned and linked your blog in our own acceptance of the Kreativ Blogger award with which we passed the compliment along to a few others at Though there really is no obligation to the whole thing and we would love to continue to recommend your blog to our own visitors, any link deletion requests will be immediately honored by any who feel it’s just not anything they want to be in any way remotely associated with. It appears as though the procedure if you would like to post it as well is just to save the graphic from the blogger who passed it along to you, ie at above link.

  11. I have just nominated you for A Lovely Blog Award.

    Wealthymatters Recognized As One Lovely Blog

    I would be honoured if you accept.

  12. I cannot tell you how much your nominating me for “A Lovely Blog Award” means to me. The fact that you consider my blog worthy is a tremendously heart-warming measure of your respect.

    I have not responded because I have been considering whether or not to accept your accolade. I have received three previous nominations for awards and have declined them because this blog is not about me – but about you. I am not seeking to get personal approbation in writing this blog.

    I am hoping to expand the thinking among you who are my very valued and important readers. When I say expand, that is not to imply that you are in any way “limited” in your thinking – but, rather, that someone who offers a slightly different perspective might challenge you to viewing things in a different way – as it does for me.

    On the one hand I think that, if I have a message that might enable others to think “outside the boxes in which we all find ourselves”, accepting awards might encourage people to think there is a greater “validity” to the thoughts I put in these blogs. But I believe that the thoughtful person should make that determination without being influenced by others or by the number of awards that any specific blog achieves.

    On the other hand, I wonder whether showing degrees of recognition might not encourage those who are on the fence to take the time to read some of the posts which might have at least a minor influence on their thinking and way of living.

    Perhaps the ultimate reason for declining the award is that I am far better at expressing my thoughts than I am at advertising them.

    Again, thank you for your consideration in nominating me. I am deeply honored.

  13. Respect is completely what it is about. Thanks for visiting my own blog and liking the post Cahirmee Horses. Will be posting a couple of galleries from this event in the next week so keep coming back. MM 🍀

  14. May I suggest something you should add to the right-hand margin of your blog? Juwanna’s Bookshelf, with a list of the books you’ve read that influenced your world view.
    – Jeff

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